Our advisory members are made up of previous members, parents, family members and local farmers. The main aim of the advisory is to aid the club and the officer's where possible, this includes attending committee meeting quarterly and supporting YFC events where possible. We are very thankful for all the help the advisory gives Charnwood YFC, without them the club would struggle to run!

Jane and Simon are both advisory members. Jane has been Charnwood YFC President for some years now and Simon is a newly appointed advisory member this year. Jane works for the local parish and Simon is a dairy farmer.

Di has supported Charnwood for years and is the new appointed vice president. Di takes a very active role and helps where possible. Hopefully her son Borris will also join young farmers in the years to come!

Jo and Paul both have children that have been in YFC for many years. Jo is a club leader and also helps Emily do the YFC accounts due to her experience with the farm books! Paul is a local dairy farmer.

Sara is a a new member of the committee this year and has always supported YFC as her daughter Anna is in Charnwood. Sara along with Jo is a club leader. Sara is married to a local business man who was also a young farmer and an advisory member for many years.

Martyn was a young farmer (in his youth) and is now a advisory member and has been for many years. We look forward to Martyn's children joining YFC in the years to come!

Karen was a young farmer from 10-26 and has now taken on an advisory role within the club. She has two young girls who will be members in a few years time. Karen was brought up on a beef and sheep farm and is married to a beef farmer.

Tracy took on an advisory role this year within the club. Her children have gone through YFC along with other family members. She does the paper work on the family arable farm.
What's coming up?
Charnwood Young Farmers Dinner Dance
October 19th 2019
Venue: Quorn County Hotel
Past Events...
A massive well done to all of our members who attended the county rally this year! We as a club did really well and came 9th overall! Well done!

Charnwood doing what we do best, socialising at Ashby YFC Dinner Dance

Leicestershire county quiz night. We entered 2 teams and finished 9th and 11th. A very enjoyable evening was had by everyone! WELL DONE TO BOTH TEAMS!

Thank you to Sutton Bonnington show for inviting 3 members to join them of there charity evening where £10,000 was handed over to different charities. Charnwood had a stall and manned the sheath tossing at the event - See you next year for the same!
More info of the 2019 show look HERE

Trophy presentation evening and our annual Christmas meal.
More Picture HERE