Contact Charnwood YFC
Connor Fettes - 07717747211
Lottie Gadsby - 07794857343
Emily Heath - 07584677781
Email: charnwoodyoungfarmer.co.uk

Contact Leicestershire YFC
County Organiser
Emma Lovegrove - 01664 434535
YFC Office
Mole Cottage
Brooksby Melton Collage
LE14 2LJ

Contact National Federation of Young Farmers
National YFC Office - 02176 857200
Natinal Federation of Young Farmers' Clubs
YFC Centre
10th Street
Stoneleigh Park

What's coming up?
Charnwood Young Farmers Dinner Dance
October 19th 2019
Venue: Quorn County Hotel
Past Events...
A massive well done to all of our members who attended the county rally this year! We as a club did really well and came 9th overall! Well done!

Charnwood doing what we do best, socialising at Ashby YFC Dinner Dance

Leicestershire county quiz night. We entered 2 teams and finished 9th and 11th. A very enjoyable evening was had by everyone! WELL DONE TO BOTH TEAMS!

Thank you to Sutton Bonnington show for inviting 3 members to join them of there charity evening where £10,000 was handed over to different charities. Charnwood had a stall and manned the sheath tossing at the event - See you next year for the same!
More info of the 2019 show look HERE

Trophy presentation evening and our annual Christmas meal.
More Picture HERE