
I'm Connor, 24 and chairman this year, after doing the role when I was 16 I thought I would give it another go! I am very passionate about the charity work YFC does and hope to raise a lot of money this year for our chosen charity MIND. Outside of YFC I am very interested in cattle, hunting and currently applying to study veterinary medicine.
Vice Chairman

I'm James and the vice chairman. I've been a member for many years and enjoy all aspects of YFC. I work at home on my family farm and in my spare time enjoy going on holiday.

I'm Lottie, 24, the club secretary and farmers daughter who loves socialising and keeping myself busy with little project to organise. I am currently the office manager at a local estate agent.

I'm Emily and I'm the club treasurer. I have been a member of Charnwood since a young child and love it. I work within social services and in my spare time I enjoy eventing my horse Charlie.
Social & Events Secretary

I'm Claudia Sheridan, 24, and organsies any social events within the club, including fund raising. I work for ForFarmers as a Forage Specialist and my hobbies are mainly eventing and hunting with my horses Caruso & Basil, the odd day shooting and socialising with friends and family.
Programme Secretary

I'm Connor, 24, and also doing the prgramme this year. I've done the role before and enjoying producing a programme that has an even balance that everybody will enjoy!
Sport Captin

I'm Connor and the sports captain. I enjoy sports and like to encourage the club to enter a team for any county event that runs. This year the sports events are; ten pin bowling, skittles, rugby, netball, rounders and dodge ball. I work for a ground work business mainly driving a digger. In my own time I enjoy shooting.
Rally Captins


I'm Teri and 24 years old. I, along with Anna are the rally captains this year. I’m a farmers daughter who loves socialising and having a laugh with friends. I currently run an event yard.
I'm Anna, 21 years old, a farmers daughter and have grown up in the countryside. I'm a rally captain and will organsie the county rally with Teri. My interests are socialising with my friends and family, also travelling. I really like the social aspects of young farmers too! I am in full time work and I work in a tearoom near Bradgate Park as a barista.
County Representatives

The county representatives are left to right, Steve, Connor, Lottie and James. They attend regular meeting where all clubs in Leicestershire and Rutland attend to discuss matters regarding the county and also national YFC.
What's coming up?
Charnwood Young Farmers Dinner Dance
October 19th 2019
Venue: Quorn County Hotel
Past Events...
A massive well done to all of our members who attended the county rally this year! We as a club did really well and came 9th overall! Well done!

Charnwood doing what we do best, socialising at Ashby YFC Dinner Dance

Leicestershire county quiz night. We entered 2 teams and finished 9th and 11th. A very enjoyable evening was had by everyone! WELL DONE TO BOTH TEAMS!

Thank you to Sutton Bonnington show for inviting 3 members to join them of there charity evening where £10,000 was handed over to different charities. Charnwood had a stall and manned the sheath tossing at the event - See you next year for the same!
More info of the 2019 show look HERE

Trophy presentation evening and our annual Christmas meal.
More Picture HERE